Walking with Purpose is a Catholic Women’s ministry that helps nurture a deep personal
relationship with Jesus Christ thorough scripture study and small group discussion. This
program began at St. Joseph in October 2024.
relationship with Jesus Christ thorough scripture study and small group discussion. This
program began at St. Joseph in October 2024.
Walking with Purpose serves women nationwide. Many local parishes offer this bible
study program. The national link for more information is walkingwithpurpose.com.
General Information for St. Joseph Parish
The Winter 2025 Bible Study is titled,” Reclaiming Friendship”. We will be meeting for a
6-week series. The series is offered on Thursdays. We offer both a morning session (10AM
-11:30 AM) and an evening session (7PM-8:30PM). The fist session is Feb 13, 2025. Our
meeting place is Corrigan Hall at St. Joseph.
6-week series. The series is offered on Thursdays. We offer both a morning session (10AM
-11:30 AM) and an evening session (7PM-8:30PM). The fist session is Feb 13, 2025. Our
meeting place is Corrigan Hall at St. Joseph.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What do I need to bring to each session? Your Bible Study book will be ready for
you at the first session, and you will need to bring it to the following sessions. You
also need to bring your Bible.
Is there a cost? Yes, the Bible Study fee is $30, which covers the purchase of the
book a small amount toward hospitality.
Is walking involved? No, no walking involved. Walking with Purpose is more about
living your life with a purpose.
What is a group session like? We will be in small groups of 10 or less and discuss
videos presented, and questions from the Bible Study book. Each week there will be
homework to prepare for the next week. The homework is NOT overwhelming.
Is there prayer? Yes, we will be praying together during our time together.
Registration opened in December 2024 for the Winter 2025 session.
Registration is available both online and through a paper registration form.
Please register as soon as possible and, if possible, prior to Jan 15, 2025. This
enables the Leadership Team time to plan for the group and order books. Delivery
takes 2-3 weeks for the Bible Study books.
enables the Leadership Team time to plan for the group and order books. Delivery
takes 2-3 weeks for the Bible Study books.
When registering, please check whether you prefer the Morning or Evening session.
Registration Links
Online: https://www.osvhub.com/stjosephodenton/forms/walking-with-purpose-payment
Paper Registration Form: Available at the back of church
Paper Registration Form: Available at the back of church