Haiti Ministry Feed and Educate Program
St. Joseph parishioners provide funds for a daily hot lunch and teachers’ salaries to our sister parish, St.Peter’s of Poteau. Poteau is located in the Artibonite region of Haiti, in the diocese of Gonaïves. The relationship between our two parishes was established in 2007. Currently, the school at St. Peter’s serves 450 students in grades Pre-K to 10.

St. Joseph has a committed annual budget of $40,000. The Haiti Ministry has good communication with Fr. Gilfrid Bordeau, who is the pastor of St. Peter’s. He shares pictures of the students at the school and provides financial reports on a regular basis. The cost for one student per year is less than $100.
The political climate in Haiti is very difficult as there is no central government
established at this time. Providing food and education for these students is even more important as there is high inflation and food shortages throughout the country. For many children, this is the only meal they will get during the day. Imagine how difficult it would be to learn in the classroom setting without this one meal. The children of Haiti are the hope for the future. It is our privilege to help by providing food and education.

Currently ministry members cannot travel to Haiti and the pastor cannot leave the country to visit us. We are grateful for email and WhatsApp to be able to receive pictures and communication from the pastor on a regular basis. French speaking Haiti Ministry members assist with translation.
Join the Haiti Ministry
The Haiti Ministry meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 pm in the Youth Center (in the basement of the old church up the hill). During the meetings we discuss any updates we have received from St. Peter’s and other information regarding the conditions in Haiti. We also review finances and set an annual budget for the program. In the spring, the ministry members sponsor a fundraising campaign. Our annual Spaghetti Dinner is held in the fall. At the Spaghetti Dinner an annual update is provided to those in attendance. If interested in learning more about the Haiti Ministry feel free to attend a meeting or contact our committee chair, Gary Grey at gkgrey105@gmail.com. Please consider joining us!

How to donate:
- Make a check out to St. Joseph Parish and put HAITI MINISTRY in the memo line of the check.
This can be mailed or put in the collection basket. - Go to online giving and there is a drop down for Haiti Ministry. You can make a one-time
contribution or set up a monthly contribution.
Special Contributions:
- Memorial contributions following the death of a loved one– donate as listed above AND in
addition to Haiti Ministry note on the check or separately that this is a donation in memory of a
loved one. - Let the parish secretary know you have chosen St. Joseph Haiti Ministry as a memorial donation
and the office will track those who made this choice, so the family is notified, and the family can
send Thank You Notes, if desired.
Bequeathments/ Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)
Over the years the Haiti Ministry has received several bequeathments. Bequeathments have enabled
the ministry to meet the annual budget and to fund Special Projects at our Sister-Parish in Haiti when
needed. If you are considering setting up a bequeathment, please contact the parish Business Manager
for further information. Through a bequeathment you are making an impact on the lives of many
children that will last a lifetime. The Business Manager can also assist if you are considering an RMD
the ministry to meet the annual budget and to fund Special Projects at our Sister-Parish in Haiti when
needed. If you are considering setting up a bequeathment, please contact the parish Business Manager
for further information. Through a bequeathment you are making an impact on the lives of many
children that will last a lifetime. The Business Manager can also assist if you are considering an RMD