The St. Joseph community continues its outreach to our members, both military and civilian, who are deployed and their families who hold down the home front. If you or a family member is deploying (or have already deployed), we welcome you to provide contact information so that we may stay in touch with you and your family to lend a hand when needed, give a special invitation to the kids, or offer a parent a much needed break; and always keep you in our prayers for a safe return.
You may give your information by contacting Billie Early at 719-337-5560 or billie.early@gmail.com. All the parishioners are grateful for our deployers and want them and their families to know that the St. Joseph community is here for them. If you’d like to help in this outreach program, please contact Billie at the contact information above.
Please note that contact information will not be published or shared outside this committee. Care packages may be sent to deployed members with the permission of the family.